I got my love from flowers from my grandma. I wanted to create a print in honor of her. Her favorite flowers are the hydrangea and the bird of paradise. After drawing these two flowers I wanted to make the series a little bog bigger by adding the favorite flower of my other grandma, a pansy, and my own favorite flower the gerbera. I made cards out of them because in the Netherlands we often give people a bouquet of flowers for various reasons, but they always die after a few days. These cards can be a substitute for the bouquet and can stay as artwork in people's homes.

What I love most about flowers are their beautiful colors. That is why I decided to print them with the Riso printer to recreate those beautiful bright colors. I start with drawing my idea in color and in separate layers when I make a drawing for the Riso printer after that I transfer those colors to grayscale so the Riso will be able to print my drawing the way I want.